Saturday, April 14, 2012

Summer Box Office/Grade Predictions- May

  I would like to make a post to test myself, and see if I have a career in box office analyzing or psychics.  Probably not, but here are my  grade and box office predictions for the first half of summer.  Please note I am only giving predictions to moderately big films, that I am at least somewhat aware of.

The Avengers (May 4th)- I remain one of the only people who see "The Avengers" being a disappointment.  The most popular character is obviously Iron Man, and his first movie grossed $318 Million, and the second grossed less.  Still, these are great numbers, but it must mean the Iron Man character is losing some popularity, and the other characters are minor and their movies weren't as successful.  The movie also might be fun, but its trailer makes it look a lot like "Transformers: Dark Of The Moon," which I hated. GRADE PREDICTION: B-; BOX OFFICE PREDICTION: $290 Million

Dark Shadows (May 11th)- This looks like a throwback to older Tim Burton comedies, and it actually looks hilarious, but nostalgic movies like this have only done alright at the box office ("War Horse," "Hugo").  Both of those had some of the biggest directors of all time, but Tim Burton has become popular with families along with older crowds, and the summer release should gain it solid numbers.  GP: B+; BOP: $75 Million 

The Dictator (May 16th)- Coming off of Sacha Baron Cohen's disappointing "Bruno," "The Dictator still looks like a big box office draw, and with a small selection for adults this May, should be successful.  It also looks very funny.  GP: B; BOP: $110 Million

Battleship (May 18th)- While it looks like a bad "Transformers" ripoff, I don't think the audience will care, and I see this being a big blockbuster that will launch another franchise.  Could struggle because of "The Avengers,"but that came two weeks before and probably will have lost interest by then.  GP: D; BOP: $300 Million

What To Expect When You're Expecting (May 18th)- Even if it's not very good, it's starting to look like the next "Bridesmaids," as there aren't really many choices for women this month.  GP: C+; BOP: $125 Million

 Men In Black III (May 25th)- This film looks the most likely to be a disappointment in early summer, and waiting this long for another sequel to a franchise fifteen years old and not even that popular seems like a bad idea.  But then again they thought the same thing with "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol."  Will Smith's star power will help, but what this film really needs is good word-of-mouth.  I will definitely be seeing it as I loved the first two, and the trailer makes it look good enough.  GP: B; BOP: $115 Million

Moonrise Kingdom (May 25th)- People I know who aren't fans of Wes Anderson are saying this looks horrible, and watching the trailer makes it seem like only his fans will care.  Could benefit from good word-of-mouth.  GP: B+; BOP: $35 Million


  1. You honestly think Battleship will make more than The Avengers? You're trolling me, right?

    1. Yeah you're probably right.
      I'm just guessing.
      My Men In Black 3 numbers might be wrong too because I saw this one summer movie poll and I was surprised by how many people want to see men In Black.
